The golf world will again focus on St. Andrews, Scotland, next summer because it is their year to host the British Open. Kathleen and Stan will be rising early to watch the live action of the classic event on network television.
So it was very gratifying to receive a Christmas Card today from Stan's caddie at St. Andrews, Charlie Little. Charlie and Stan exchanged email addresses at the conclusion of their round last spring, and sure enough, Charlie followed up. That wasn't surprising, as a caddie, Mr. Little was quite meticulous and thorough. And given the golfer he had to work with, quite patient as well.
Charlie writes that the economic times hurt the caddie business this summer. Pinched golfers cut back, hauled their own bags, shared a caddie for two or more golfers and so on. And next year, in preparation of The Open, they'll be closing the course for five weeks.
So being a caddie at the prestigious Home of Golf apparently isn't all a bed of roses -- or gorse, for that matter.
Charlie is heard and seen on Stan's movie of St. Andrews. Click on it at left, in the Home Movies section.