Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mrs. Claus goes down, but not out

Despite Santa's best efforts to clear the walk, Mrs. Claus went down twice this evening, but to no bad result. The couple was out and about tonight, visiting four neighborhood homes. They found absolutely darling and believing grandchildren in each one.
"I am going home right now and going to bed, Santa," confided one little heart-tugger about six years old. "And YOU know why!"

Mrs. Claus just sort of hangs in the background. She gets little notice from any of the kids. It's all about Santa, you know. She does get asked by Moms and Dads to join the photo sessions, consequently she'll be seen in dozens of family scrapbooks for decades to come. You'll be able to recognize her too, in her rosy makeup and wig. Santa, on the other hand, is pretty generic, but my, what a reputation precedes him! Instant acceptance and familiarity the moment he flings the door open, stomps the snow off his fur-lined boots and shakes the jingle bells.
Yes, Santa is trimmer this year and a bit lighter afoot. He compensated for this failing with an extra pillow after finishing his shoveling duties.
The night air was wonderful, fresh and light. The lightly falling snow made everything new and when the visits were done tonight, Mrs. Claus wanted to extend the magic a bit with a stroll down the block.
"Let's go for a waaaaaalk!" she said, immediately sliding down in a green and white heap on the driveway for the second time today. Again, the soft snow cushioned her short fall, as did her light-hearted spirit. We laughed together as Santa pulled her up again, all cape, wig, bells and giggles.
She's been checked out and pronounced good to go -- tomorrow noon at Marcy's where she'll be the real Mrs. Claus.