Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Time to go

Stan writes:
Let's see. It's going to be 70 and sunny today in Tucson; it will be zero in Moorhead, Minnesota tonight. Gee. Looks like it is time to head home for some of that White Christmas weather.
It has been a very balmy November in Minnesota, reports say, while I have been here in Tucson. Golfers were out in Shakopee this past weekend. Conversely, it was a nasty October in Minnesota, I know, I was there.
But I have been in Arizona long enough for now. Building projects just about complete, putting and chipping improved, weight cut 20 pounds. Liberal, Kansas, Omaha, Nebraska and the world's flatest, most boring highway, U.S. 54, here we come. Be there Friday for sure.
It's time.