Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Breck graduates law school

New lawyer
Stan's niece, Breck Rolfsrud, received her Juris Doctorate from Hamline Law School in St. Paul Saturday. She graduated cum laude, which means she was in the top 20 percent of her class. She's now clerking for Jones and Magnus in Mankato and is studying for the bar exam in July. (Her Pop passed the bar on the first go-round when he took it about 100 years ago. No pressure, Breck) We're very proud of Breck, and were able to congratulate her at her grandma's birthday party on Sunday. That's her new husband, (August wedding) Mitch, above, in his usual supportive role. We were excited about their young lives and optimistic about their futures on Easy Street, but then we got home and read the headlines. Dang the newspapers anyway.