Thursday, August 05, 2010

And a good time was had by all . ..

Potluck at The Cooks. Even the invitation sounds like a winning proposition. And last night it was. About two dozen Abbey Pointers showed up at the Cooks for the second annual Salmon BBQ provided by Joe and Mina Daly. Everyone brought in a dish to pass, but the highlight was out on the ivied back deck where learned menfolk prodded and fussed over the Daly catch on three grills before serving it up in a perfect condition.
The massive slabs (One fish so monstrous it had required the strength of both Dalys just to boat it) were given two disparate treatments: one group received a spicer chutney-olive oil glaze, the other a more traditional slathering of butter, lemon, garlic and dill. Both were equally praised and devoured by the hungry neighborhood. The Cooks once again proved to be most gracious hosts. Laughter abounded, conversation ranged from the mundane to the curious: "Just who is that man smoking in his van early mornings at the end of our street?"
Those wishing to see an album of two year's worth of salmon parties at the Cooks should click here. 
Or, if you prefer, watch this tiny slide show of the same photos.