Monday, November 22, 2010

Rolfsruds rack a pair of bucks

Word has been received from the far reaches of Western North Dakota that our cousins there have once again prevailed in the hunt. The Rolfsruds got their deer. Family spokesman Guy Rolfsrud reports that he and and his son, Josh, garnered the specimen above, about 3/4 of a mile north of the Rolfsrud farm. It is a small 5 by 5 White Tail Buck. Meanwhile, Guy's brother Doug bagged the mule deer below in his farmyard at the Tobacco Garden Ranch.

International Falls deer hunter Wayne Kasich writes:
Nice racks too.
I got nervous and tried to finish my buck off at about 125 yards from my stand and shot an antler half off. I'm gonna have the taxidermist fix it and hang the "rack in the shack".