Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Reunion this summer

The Rolfsrud Alma Mater, otherwise known as Oak Grove Country School, will celebrate an All-School Reunion July 31, 2011 at the Forada Supper Club. Anyone who ever attended the school is invited to this Sunday afternoon affair. Co-chairs are Anne Marie Hiebel and Lorlee Bartos.
In keeping with the modest roots of this august educational institution, the cost for food is being held to $10. Or bring your own cold lunch in a brown bag. Bottled milk from Carlson Dairy is available at a nickel per half pint. Merle Trousil will take your money. Just kidding about all that, but the cost really is just $10.
So mark your calendars now, alumni, you've been invited!
(There are five Rolfsruds in the photo above, taken in 1956)