Sunday, August 28, 2011

Barefoot on the Point

Our house guests all got their workouts in bright and early this mornng: Tony huffing and puffing in the basement, while Heidi, Mary Lou and Birdie went for a run/walk.
Niece Heidi trotted out in her spiffy barefoot running shoes. We'd never seen such an innovation and she explained that running in these tough skins is better for your body, allowing a more natural running motion. We agreed, and recalled that's how we got started running in the summer times. Stan avoiding cowpies in the pasture, Kathleen only started wearing shoes in the summer after she stepped on a nail and got tetanus.
If you're in love with Heidi's "shoes" you can google "Vibram Five Fingered Running Shoes" and get your own pair.
Your blog hosts, just trying to keep everyone abreast of the latest in technology.