Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Last night's high school choral production

Marcy (proud mother), Max (11th grader, bass/baritone) and Stan (proud grandpa).
Kathleen took this phone photo after the performance.
Happily, there was no disruptive photography any time during the music.
We went to the Fine Arts Festival at Southwest High School in Minneapolis last night to see our grandson perform with the school's top choral group, the Southwest Singers. Over the years we've seen a variety of high school performances and have lamented what we perceive as a decline in the quality of these productions, so we approached the evening with lowered expectations.
We were pleasantly surprised, if not stunned, by the excellence presented by this full-voiced choir of eager seniors and juniors. It is early in the season, yet the four numbers were presented flawlessly, and exhibited a remarkable range of skill.
One hundred sets of eyes were riveted on the precise directions of the conductor, as this disciplined group moved us through unified musical thoughts. It was a wonderful, transcendent experience, reminiscent of the good old days when you could hear a pin drop in the auditorium between musical numbers, and audiences listened in rapt attention.
We'll be back Nov. 7 for the Fall Concert. . . and not just to admire our really cool grandson. We'll come for the music too.
On December 12th they'll perform a holiday concert in the Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis. Wow.