Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas from Mom and Stan. . .

We celebrated Christmas today with a lunch with Mom at the Edgewater Suites in Alexandria. This is our Christmas Card and, while it may be the only one that Mom sends this year, she loves getting cards and remembering old friends. . . so get on it. . . while the Post Office is still in business. (If you need Bev's snail mail address, email Stan at
The new Beetle handled the rain and fog on the 300 mile round trip very well. Temps were in the high 30s, so no ice. (They were actually golfing on a course in Otswego today.)
We spent part of our afternoon together digging through a scrapbook Mom pasted up years ago but hadn't included many names or dates in it. Mom's 91-year-old memory is doggone sharp, she proved today, doling out information about their late 1920s family home in Hettinger, So. Dak. When she saw a previous residence on Upton Ave in Minneapolis, she actually remember the street address.
Biggest find today was a photograph of Nancy Ives Jackson, our pioneer great great grandmother, buried in Belle Plaine, Minn in 1881, that you've read so much about in this blog. She and husband, Peter, raised Stan's great grandmother, Ella Belle (1858-1918). We recently found their tombstones in Belle Plaine. We'll post what has to be the only photograph of Nancy soon, and then notify our newly-discovered Jackson kin in Las Vegas of the find. They have a site on and should be interested. If you died in 1881, how many pictures can there be of you?
In the meantime, get that Christmas Card off to Mom, if you haven't already done so.
Stan's cousin, Faith Brown Cole, emailed this sweet photograph to us today. It's a picture of her grandmother and a couple of her aunts, probably taken around 1930. It's Jessie Wendelken Brown (Stan's grandmother), Dorothy Brown (Stan's Aunt) and Beverly Brown. (Stan's Mom). Faith had no way of knowing that simultaneously, 1000 miles away, Stan and her aunt Beverly were going through old scrapbooks today. Total coincidence. Or IS IT? Woof. Scarey. ;) Faith and her sister, Sharon, are going through old family photographs and sent along a batch. We're grateful.