Monday, January 02, 2012

Lost Monday

We've been in business long enough to know that a Monday after a Sunday Holiday is pretty much a lost day. The banks are closed, no post office, websites are getting maintained . . . but the retailers will be grinding it out. You have to be very careful with your plans.
So last month, after we purchased our shiny new yellow bug, we were suspicious when we were told that we could get our courtesy vehicle check on Jan. 2.
"Are you sure?" we said. "The day after a Sunday holiday is often a lost day. Are you sure your service department is open?" we asked incredulously. A quick check with the back room was made to confirm it, "Oh yes," our kind representative assured us, "they're going to be open," as he efficiently jotted down a date and time for us on a handy reminder card . . .so we wouldn't forget our appointment.
Yes, Jan. 2 would be perfect, we agreed, because we're heading out on vacation soon thereafter and that would give us plenty of time to pack the clean car and run errands in it. Wonderful. Jan. 2 it is.
So precisely at 10 a.m. today, the reliable Rolfsruds rolled up to the service entrance in their dirty yellow bug, itching for their free checkup and wash. Ordinarily the door automatically springs open to let us inside, out of the weather, into a nice warm service bay. Today it didn't open. So we politely tooted our horn just a bit, like the Minnesota nice people we are, evenso feeling a bit pushy, but, hey, we did have an appointment and we didn't want them to think we were late.
A side door swung open over by the sales department and a nice-looking lady in a furry coat stepped out and waved.
"Sorry," she said. "The service department isn't open today."