Monday, April 16, 2012

It's All Good! Katie's surgery successful

There will be no photographs of the patient, the photographer has
been informed. This will have to do.
Stan just left a post-surgery conference with Dr. Wyard, who said everything went fine with Katie's knee job today. Katie's in recovery, Stan is waiting in her room where she will rehabilitate for three days before going home.
The nasty old joint causing so much pain has been pitched in favor of steel and plastic. What about the other knee? It's just fine, perfect condition.
"How can this be, doctor?" Stan asked our super-qualified joint guy. "I have no idea," he said, in a disarmingly honest response.
We're delighted. Some of the other folks in the joint center today will have a second knee replaced later. Once is enough, we decided.
So the doc is pretty much done, now it is up to us to get the knee working and back to normal. Training and rehab starts this afternoon. We're ready!