Saturday, September 01, 2012

Old Home Week

Whenever you go to an event with a large crowd or travel to a far-away place, you always seem to bump into somebody from back home, or someone you haven't seen in a long time. As we joined the 100,000 at the State Fair, we wondered just who it might be this time.
It didn't take long to find out. The first people we saw coming into the fairgrounds were old friends Dale and Sue Diedrick. Haven't seen or talked to them for years. Dale and Sue owned Butch's Tavern in Chaska, a favorite 70s waterhole for Stan. They were landlords for Kathleen's decorating store next door.
Further, we learned that Dale has had two hips replaced and he's doing quite well, thank you; not to brag, Kathleen showed off the scar from her recent knee job. Further still, they went to the same hospital. . . and further. . . they had the same quirky sawbones. Chatter ensued, threatening to waylay the main purpose of the day. But soon Old Home Week was over and we merrily made our separate ways into the throng, content now that we had seen our familiar faces for the day.