Thursday, November 01, 2012

November golf

Mr. Crawford paused for a complimentary Pale Ale at a favorite establishment.
The winds of November did not deter these Minnesota golfers.
Photo by Dick Crawford
Newspaper Publisher Richard Crawford (above) took a well-deserved break from refereeing a batch of political candidates intent on defaming and libeling one another in the publick prints, especially during the final week of this season's epic mud ball toss. That lucrative bi-annual event is a sporting activity the retired gentleman in the the right hand photo does not miss. 
He stands beside the kindly John Haglund, his neighbor and occasional partner, who himself has tossed a good-natured mud ball or two, generally lobbing them in the direction of his senior companion and ever-patient swing coach. 
The sun was shining brightly, the wind kept itself to a respectful speed, and a good time was had by all, bashing away at a nice, clean Titleist.