Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday shenanigans

Smoothie Smile. 
Emily wipes away traces of this morning's breakfast
before settling down to some serious construction. 
On its way.
Powered by gravity, marble rolls
down the structure.

The Duluth Trading Co., purveyors of work boots and plumber's no-crack tee shirts, said their box of Amazen Marbles chutes and ramps was just the thing for Christmas. They were right. We finally got around to opening the box of construction materials today and got to work building an engineering marvel that sent marbles bumping and rolling along a path on a circuitous route to the table top. We cheered every time a marble hit bottom, happy enough that gravity still works.
Building block creations is fun for a while -- so is making chocolate chip coookies and playing Go Fish.
Earlier, Emily had a chance to go ice fishing today with Luke, but it fell through. (the chance, not the ice). She's was a bit ambivalent about the experience anyway. Not sure yet about handling a flopping crappie. "I like fish," she explained. "But I like them all ready at Cub."
Click to enlarge and fully appreciate the amazing gap.
Emily's fang has finally been removed