Saturday, February 16, 2013

Miraculous three-cornered deal done

Lisa's extraction team: two sons and a girlfriend. That's
Lisa with the big grin and the cash --  ready to close a complicated deal.
We sold our entire Victorian Mansion bedroom set to Lisa from Lafayette. Well, not exactly our set. We had to work a three-cornered deal first to make everybody happy.
We had advertised a bedroom set with king-sized headboard. Unfortunately, Lisa and husband Bob sleep on a queen mattress, but she dearly wanted the bedroom set. Could we somehow shrink that beautiful six-foot headboard somehow, she asked? Well, that might require some divine intervention.
No problem, the Lord works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.
The Queen with her footmen.
Enter Pastor Brenda from Maple Grove with a queen-sized headboard that wasn't getting used because she sleeps in a king-size bed with her missionary husband. Would we trade her Victorian Mansion queen for our king with $200 to boot?
Hold the line, Brenda. We'll call Lisa.
The deal was done and soon the pastor arrived with her queen headboard and footboard, rails, the church trailer and two willing custodians sworn to secrecy.
We then swapped our king-size bed set for her queen size bed set in time for a thrilled Pastor Brenda to surprise her husband with a now-completed romantic Victorian Mansion bedroom on Valentine's Day.
Out it Goes!
Today it was Lisa's turn. She arrived from Lafayette with cash and an extraction team to remove the now complete Victorian Mansion package, as advertised on Craigslist, only with a queen-sized headboard and footboard. Perfect.
She was giddy as she anxiously watched her sons and a girlfriend load and wrap everything and lug everything out the door. Well, not everything. Not long after the trailer/pickup combination wheeled out of Abbey Point stuffed with Victorian furniture, Stan discovered the hardware for the mirror forgotten in the bedroom.
Thanks to cell phones, Lisa's driver made a U-turn, retrieved the parts and got back on 169 with the treasures.
Lisa could now contemplate her next problem: How to ascend her stairway and turn the tight corner with all that furniture. Her anxiety wasn't over just yet.
Maybe she could call Pastor Brenda for some counseling.
Got 'er done! Everybody's happy.