Saturday, June 15, 2013

Late breakfast. . .

The best thing was that none of the strawberry sauce or triple berry syrup got on the little girl's outfit. 
It was too late for breakfast anywhere else this morning, fortunately Emily remembered "Perkins!" just in time. Not that Grandma wouldn't make her breakfast, but at the moment she was back at the house busy sweeping up shards of glass from the first errant golf ball in 12 years. 
The miscreant had identified himself to the firm homeowner . . . he'll pay the deductible and work to improve his swing.  Meantime, back at Perkins, our first grader did very well on Grandpa's obnoxious scale; Photo Booth provided the entertainment while we waited to split a Belgian waffle, bacon and two eggs over medium. Then we got home to hear Grandma's story.