Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Turkey shoot

Photos by Stan Rolfsrud
By the time the photographer had rushed back to the scene with his camera, the two dozen wild turkeys had departed the No. 3 Fairway and headed for the adjacent meadow. Owing to the drizzle and cold, the golf course was vacant and they had it to themselves, hunting and pecking, as if fattening for the upcoming holidays.
Two red-wattled Toms managed the flock. The company had ranged a half a mile from its home in the Notermann nature preserve and was understandably edgy.
Questionable weather notwithstanding, Greg and Stan played 27 holes starting in the late forenoon today. It got better. No wind, no rain, 55 degrees. . . and no other golfers. . . or turkeys.
Very enjoyable playing in the mist. They just imagined they were in Scotland.