Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We say NO to cabin fever. . .

. . . 8, 9, 10, Flash. We took this selfie with our little tripod and timer.
Did you know that John was six years old when
the REA brought electricity to the farm?
That was a happy day, remembered well.
Today they upgraded their iPod.
Consecutive days of unseasonal, unreasonable cold and clouds have driven the citizens of Abbey Point indoors and threatened to bring on the mid-winter gloomies during this premature interlude. Resisting the forces of darkness, these stout souls rallied tonight in our basement, raising a hearty glass in the spirit of Gemütlichkeit, all the better to chase away any early onset of cabin fever.
Kathleen served pumpkin and apple pie with big, loud squirts of whipped cream.
Joe, Tom, Mary, and Mina went for the apple. John, Stan, Sandy and Kathleen had pumpkin. Before adjournment, it was resolved to do this again and often.