Friday, January 17, 2014

And now the news. . .

A proposed noise ordinance for the French Quarter has been silenced for now. Some residents want quiet, but vocal critics say a noise ordinance would be bad for business.

In other news, a judge ordered an Assistant District Attorney to be jailed for contempt of court. He was to be locked up for 24 hours, but the sheriff let him go after just an hour in the pokey. When the angry judge ordered the sheriff to appear in court and account for this, the sheriff testified he actually hadn't released the assistant district attorney, he had put him on community service. When pressed, the sheriff said he couldn't be expected to remember what community service the assistant district attorney had been given.

Sheriff Gusman is in the lead for re-election. Watch the debate tonight on Channel 6.

Meanwhile, the St. Bernard's Parish President has been ordered to stay away from his estranged wife.

A prison inmate appearing in court was unable to testify because he was high on heroin.

And now the weather. Warmer, but in the mid-30s tonight. The weather lady warns: "protect your plants, people and pets."