Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A challenge from Mother's fellow-funseekers

At 11:28 a.m. we received this urgent text message and photo from the Mall of America Underwater Exhibition.

Text: "Hello from Kell! We want to see how long it takes for this picture to get on the blog!"

Hang in there Mom! Help is on the way! We'll be home this weekend if you can just hold on 'til then!
Based on information received so far, Stan's 93-year-old mother is being attacked by a deadly Sting Ray and her co-funseekers are seeking immediate help or advice. All we can say, whatever you do,  Don't pull on its tail!
It's obviously a Big Day for the Citizens of Welcome Home, Kell Avenue. We would run a staff photo here as well, but we don't have one yet where camera shy Jill's face isn't obscured.