Thursday, May 29, 2014

Preserva Wood

Photo by Katie Rolfsrud
Those owning cedar decks know they also own a constant struggle with the forces of nature, no more so than on the south side of a building where freeze/thaw, rain/shine, heat and humidity challenge the planks on a daily basis.
Billions are spent buying products, potions and magic elixirs to slow this aging process, we've made our contributions over the years to the Olympic company and whomever owns Thompson's Water Seal. Our latest application was recommended to us by a noted West Coast preservationist, so it must be good. It is relatively new to the market, branded Preserva Wood.
We hope it will, doubt that it will for very long, but for $25 a gallon we have only the most reasonable of expectations.
The product went on easily, they recommend a pad, not a roller. The hardest part is finding the proper weather window: You need three warm dry days before applying, a dry day to apply, then another dry day for curing. That may be an ordinary set of circumstances to our West Coast consultant (Sosie) but we got lucky this week with a burst of reliably regular weather.
It's a beautiful day. Would be nice to spend it out on the deck. Oh well. Rain Saturday.