Thursday, August 07, 2014

Gary's downside

Gary's new look-out.
Gary is back from vacation.
We've missed seeing him around for a few days. We're pretty sure this is the same Green Heron as before because the species is very territorial, and Gary was pretty confident this morning, going from his favorite perch to the next perch like he owned the place.
Now he's trying out a new commanding position on our side deck rail, which gives him a (Ahem) bird's-eye view of the pond, where we've stocked a variety of goldfish and minnows. . . not exactly with Gary in mind.
Gary was here.
This morning Gary surveyed his kingdom and Kathleen quietly managed a few pictures, before old "Chalk-line" swiftly departed with his awkward flight style -- leaving behind unfortunate and ample evidence of his visit.
Bird people say green herons perform this rude action whenever startled. We must have scared the chalk out of Gary. (Excuse us, sir, but we live here too.)
Fortunately, it flushes easily.