Saturday, October 25, 2014

Maybe it was better this way. . .

Sad to hear second hand that the Gophers lost today. Sounds like it was an exciting end to the game. We wouldn't know. We came home to watch the fourth quarter, then spent the entire quarter trying to find the game on Comcast's Byzantine Cable lineup. We have hundreds of stations we don't want, found dozens of college football games we're not interested in, but no Gophers. The built-in Comcast on-screen Guide was bulky and of no help.
Went to the trusty paper newspaper and learned that it was being carried today on something called ESPN-U. Eventually we found that on Comcast channel 735 or was it 729, but though we pressed those numbers repeatedly it kept jumping back to the previous channel, so we assumed after a while that $1800 a year in cable charges just isn't enough for Comcast to deliver the Minnesota Gophers and all the commercials that go with it to our house today.
We did get the Wisconsin game on two or three channels. They seemed to be doing quite well. Good for them.