Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Safe in Turkey

Laurie saw the original rod recorded in this 1871 painting of Moses. The rod was used to part the Red Sea.  Above, Hur and Aaron keep Moses' hands up, which is why the Israelites were able to defeat the Amalekites.
Our good friend and former colleague Laurie reports that all is well on her trip to Turkey. This part of the world might not be our choice these days, but no matter, Laurie writes "Doing fine, seeing amazing new things, visited Sultan's Palace (where I saw the staff of Moses), Hagia Sofia (now second-most important mosque in world). We left Istanbul this morning, just crossed over into Asia and will soon go on a large ferry that will take us across the Dardannelles Strait."
Moses is mentioned more than anyone else in the Koran.
The staff Laurie saw was used to part the Red Sea. It once changed into a snake to intimidate a Pharaoh and was used to produce water from a rock. Water didn't gush immediately from the rock, so an impatient Moses used the staff to strike the rock again. Because this implied a lack of faith, God didn't allow Moses to enter the Promised Land. Scholars aren't sure, but it may be the same rod that was used by Aaron, Moses' heir. If that is the case, the staff Laurie saw was used to turn the Nile blood red and initiate several plagues as well.
The museum also contains a tooth and the footprint of the Prophet Muhammed.
We're glad Laurie is safe and enjoying her journey through this ancient land, filled with history and relics. We've advised her to keep a sharp lookout for Noah's ark.