Tuesday, January 20, 2015

An introduction to a blood relative

Bloods --- Will, Stan, Arnold
Will was as bright and charming as his grandfather said he would be.
Stan's Cousin Arnold is quite prone to bragging about his almost-21-year-old grandson. William is the Captain of the Cross-country team at the Ivy League's Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.. .  and is an excellent scholar and good-looking too, blah, blah, blah.

Daily workouts at sea-level apparently aren't punishing enough, so Will and some teammates have been training this month near Flagstaff, running daily over hill and dale in the ever more stressful high altitudes. Grandma and Grandpa, who winter in a Phoenix suburb, retrieved Will from the gulag today, to put him on a night flight from Sky Harbor back to the East Coast.
Stan and Will had never met. This day gave Stan an opportunity to intercept the three of them near the intersection of Highways 101 and I-17 at the local Olive Garden on Happy Valley Road -- to meet up and finally behold their wunderkind.

Cousin Arnold may be a braggart, but he is not a liar. Will is every bit the engaging, polite young man his grandpa says he is. A good time was had by all there at Happy Valley, as Will delighted table mates with stories of the mayoral politics and landscape of Providence, R.I., or of his youthful hijinks in Bellevue, Washington, where one of the neighbors was a well-known computer geek.
Stan's Grandpa was Paul Brown.
That's as close as Stan ever got to the
Ivy League.
Bill Gates lived down the road a ways, and Will and the neighborhood boys amused themselves from time to time messing with the security agents guarding the richest man and his family. Funny stuff.
Then Will listened to his elders discuss family and North Dakota and ancient history with nary a squirm.
Our lunch was soon over, an enjoyable time that could have gone on, but there was a workout planned for the afternoon. When Will says he has to run, he really means he has to run.
We'll watch our new blood acquaintance with great interest.  He's a really good guy with some justly-proud grandparents and he has a future as bright as his smile.
Just ask Cousin Arnold.