Sunday, February 15, 2015

Victim directs sarcasm, ridicule to friend

Wayne with fellow sufferer Matt Drees sending out sarcastic emails from snowbound cabin. 
Immediately after the cold and flu season has peaked in the northern tier, a more vicious malady strikes. Easily spotted and diagnosed, cabin fever exhibits obvious symptoms. Unfortunate victims become morose, sometimes belligerent. Often deep in a funky denial, they attack those around them, ridiculing the innocent, mocking old friends, making sarcastic remarks and biting observations. Severe cabin fever sufferers will belittle others with offensive comments that they might otherwise eschew.
Take the sad case of Wayne Kasich, caught in a snowdrift just south of the Canadian border, enduring cloudy days and starless nights.  His poor wife would be the object of his illness but, thank goodness for email, he's able to re-direct these malodorous symptoms elsewhere.
Read this to see what can happen:

Hello Stan.
So after three days in that climate you have installed one 28" refrigerator. Is that correct? While we are in the throes of winter? While we are staring at the annoying red squirrel that is eating the bird's food out in the yard where it is well below zero?
You send your wife dead flowers and then you say you took a wrong turn and you go watch people in their shirt sleeves flying model airplanes. You say that was just an accident because you took a wrong turn. Meanwhile, your wife is cooped up indoors, looking at a dead plant you sent on Valentine's Day, with you galavanting around in 75 degree weather. I have not seen any evidence of your work. Are you really out there? Really?
I'm showing no signs of cabin fever this winter. I'm doing very well. In fact I am probably better than you are because I'm being honest about where I am. I'm fine! Really, I'm fine!
Don't let the smiles fool you. Those are cackles -- as they disrespect their hard-working friend in California.