Monday, April 20, 2015

A Poem For Lorlee's Dad


He almost  skipped
    a once in a lifetime trip
      to Switzerland
           it would interfere
             with planting
               his spring garden.

In his farmer's soul
    my Dad knew
       we are given
         finite springs

Once a spring
    is gone
      it and its potential
        can’t be reclaimed

Though like his springs
    he is gone
      that wisdom
        and urgency
          live in me

As my own
  springs flit by
    I do my best
       to make
         each one

I do it for me

I do it
  in his

In my mind’s eye
   I see him

----by Lorlee Bartos, Spring 2015
Flowers by Lorlee. . . blooming near the adjacent Texas highway department right-of-way she also cultivates.