Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Missing, presumed dead

When we saw a Baltimore Oriole flitting through the nearby Black Hills Spruce we rushed out and got a feeder and some sweet nectar to try and hold this brightly-feathered star. Not a tweet since. We figure we placed the feeder in a location that we'd like. . . and so would a hawk, but not an oriole, apparently. The orioles have left this exposed feeder entirely to itself. It will come down shortly.
We can add this disappointment to the sudden loss of our beautiful goldfish, who survived the winter, only to be taken out by a pair of snappers, who used the pond for their vigorous mating ritual and stayed on . . . we think.
We will remove the bird feeder. . . and hopefully relocate the snappers if they are still here. A Tomahawk live trap has been ordered on Amazon and should arrive in early June. Anyone wishing to have a pair of healthy snappers relocated to their back yard should contact us. We're not considering turtle soup, but we're not happy about the predation either.

Missing. Presumed Dead.