Sunday, April 03, 2016

Condominium developer

Fish condo project complete.
Reducing slime and muck in the pond meant reducing plant materials that allow the production of the elements that create algae and other micro plants that cloud the water. That in turn decreased the amount of cover for the fish, which in turn created an opportunity for another permanent resident, our snapping turtle, who took full advantage of the situation.

Tightening the zip ties
In an attempt to restore some balance to this little world, yesterday the caretakers set about to build a five-story condominium to give the fish a fighting chance, a place to hide that wouldn't create oxygen depleting algae.

Midway through the project,
a check with the Inspector.
A trip to Lowe's for 20 feet of drain tile and 200 zip ties provided material for an afternoon project. When the water warms, we'll tie it to an anchor and sink the fish condo and invite the renters. No snappers allowed.

Ready for sinking under the water. Only little turtles and fish can swim inside, no monsters.