Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Complete coverage by Sherwin Williams and Kathleen Rolfsrud

John forced stain into hidden cracks that no human will ever see . . . but pride of workmanship made him do it.
The Tom Story Volunteer Neighborhood Improvement Corps went right to work this afternoon after the boys from Casanova Construction wheeled away, having completed the second phase of the mailbox redo.
"We put Americans to work, rebuilding our nation's infrastructure," boasted Tom from his deck chair on a beach near Ft. Myers.
Beefcake shots courtesy Kathleen Ann.
A charity calendar  -- The Men of Abbey Point --
is in the works when the painting is done.
The Flying Casanovas will be back early Thursday to shingle the almost complete project and squeeze the U.S. Postal jumbo mailbox pack into its proper place, exactly 42 inches above the curbline. Excitement in the neighborhood reached a feverish peak this afternoon, as Stan and John deftly stained the green-treated lumber in a stunning Dove White, to the oohs and aahs of passersby -- Stan managing the 4-inch foam roller, John on touch-up.
Kathleen recorded the entire event with multiple digital exposures, (some are shown here) then shared details and insight at tonight's Abbey Point Dinner in the prestigious Stonebrooke Clubrooms just off County Road 79 in Shakopee. Yes, attendance was down, but spirits were up, and more snowbirds are expected back in town soon. . . now that the Tom Story Volunteers have all but closed out the project.

Ready for mailboxes and shingles. More to come. Can you stand to wait?