Friday, July 29, 2016

Home soon

In the background, Shirley and Kathleen discussed the Man of the Hour. No, he's not in a barber chair,
just a bit chilled by all the air conditioning. He hopes to be home in a couple of days.
"You can tell 'em you've seen Wes and he is alive!," heart surgery survivor Wes Anderson instructed a visitor to St. Gertrude's in Shakopee today. A couple weeks ago, our neighbor had a double bypass and heart valve job at Methodist Hospital. Two days ago he was transferred to St. Gert's for rehab.
Big smile and a great head of hair.
And an upgrade to the heart.
His wife Shirley confirmed that recovery is going well and Wes should be home next week. "I have to get some sleep," the patient confided. "You know, it's hard to get any rest in a hospital."
The food has been fine, he said, and he's trying to stick to a heart-healthy diet. Sorta. Yesterday the patient spotted a Tater Tot hot dish on the menu. The Norwegian from Hanska loves Tater Tot hot dish and enthusiastically ordered a double.
It wasn't long before the phone rang. "Who the heck could be calling me now?" he wondered. It was The Dietician.
"Wesley?" the conversation began.
Mr. Anderson had the fish.