Sunday, September 25, 2016

Wayne and Mary Ann are finished; don't know much about Brad and Angelina

The reason Wayne doesn't know anything about Brad and Angelina's alleged International Falls one-hour international incident could be this.
He's been busy. Wayne and Mary Ann are just finishing up on the siding project on their home on Rainy Lake and it looks fabulous. Wayne sent us a couple of photos of their summer-long home improvement that began last spring when he pulled some siding off and discovered that the original boards were still in good shape, just requiring some tender care.
Wayne writes:

In April I started to tear off the siding on our house and we were looking at various new siding ideas. We discovered the beveled 3.5 siding to be in very good shape. We also discovered where windows used to be. Six weeks later with workers off and on they took down scaffolding and left. A new roof went on in June. There were 6000 nails to double prime. Next year, new windows and we'll redo the three season porch.

With winter coming, finishing touches have been made on the siding and Wayne and Mary Ann are rightfully proud.
Don't know anything else about that other couple, our best to them as well.