Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Call security. A man is trying to abduct an 80-year-old?

"Sir", I said to the uniformed attendant pushing Danny’s chair out the door of the emergency department toward an ambulance. "Can I speak to my brother-in-law? "

"Who are you?" he demanded to know and I was immediately reminded of all the privacy regulations and security concerns of today’s world. The man was doing his job. Danny had his back toward me and so was unaware of what was going on.

"I can show you some ID", I said, trying to be helpful.

"Ok. What’s the patient’s name?"

Suddenly it occurred to both of us how ridiculous the situation was.

"Let’s ask him if he knows you." the attendant suggested. "Do you know him?"

 The patient turned and there was instant recognition. "Hi Stan, I didn’t expect to see you here."

"Nor I," I said. "where are they taking you now? "

"Oh. Okay then. You know this man." the attendant relaxed.

"Thank you, sir."

Turns out, Dan was on his way back to the nursing home where he is rehabbing from a recent blood infection. A nurse there had noticed his hemoglobin had dipped and immediately called for his transfer back to the world’s greatest heart hospital, Abbott Northwestern, for a blood transfusion.

Once there they decided that he didn’t need a transfusion after all because his hemoglobin was better than they once thought. It took an hour in the emergency room, barely enough time for us to get there to see what was going on, before he was gone again.

Back to the nursing home, with a sigh of relief for our energizer bunny, heart valve and frozen hip and all. We’re glad he’s back and well enough to complain about the food and follow his beloved Twins.

As always, we thank you for your concern and supportive “thoughts and prayers.”