Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Birdie 2/03/09 12/07/20

All Dogs Go to Heaven, it is said. 

Last night Birdie went to her new home. A faithful companion and a daily comfort, she gave us all the love that she could muster, especially throughout the darkness of the past year. She alertly sensed our tragic personal loss, and softened this dreadful isolation as well.  She always did her eager best, a gentle presence and welcome distraction in our time of need. 

But her failing 12-year-old heart was finally emptied, and now she is at peace. We will miss the joyful greeting at our return home, the playfulness, the demands for affection, her desire to participate, and so much more. . 

Thanking you now for your sympathy,

Kathleen and Stan

Here is the way we will gratefully think of her:
