Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sea nettle jelly

Kathleen watched a mob of jellyfish today at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The colorful exhibit reminded her that Stan was once bitten by a jellyfish while vacationing in Mexico. Oddly, the victim had since forgotten it. What do you do for a jellyfish sting? Rub some sand on it, the local doctor advised.
Featured today was a special sea horse exhibit. In the photo below, look closely for a camouflaged sea horse. Kathleen is looking directly at what appears to be a branch and leaves in the water. It is not, we learned, as it swam past. Click to enlarge and see if you can make it out.
We lunched at the Red House in Pacific Grove, (Stan had fish) then the ladies shopped while Bill and Stan took in the afternoon sea air.
Home tomorrow night.
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To see the entire Monterey Bay album, click on Sosie's head, below.
Monterrey Bay Aquarium