Saturday, May 22, 2010


When California Aunt Sosie researched her trip to Minnesota, she thought Punch Pizza, with its 800 degree wood-fired oven, might be a fun place to visit when she got here. It was. Yesterday the Virgil Rolfsruds, recently returned from their Florida winter, joined the Stan Rolfsruds for a pizza treat on Sosie. As luck would have it, the Eden Prairie Punch Pizza is located across the street from Cherice and Lacey's home, so they joined the group as well. (They are Virg and Becky's child and grandchild.) That's Grandma Becky, in the lower right photo, prepping her blue-eyed granddaughter for the closeup to be shot by her great aunt, Kathleen. Later, the group adjourned to Virg and Becky's EP house where their handsome son, Aaron, wowed the crowd with his buff, athletic appearance. Ain't family great? Now on to Alexandria for Grandma Bev's 90th!