Thursday, August 01, 2013

Uninvited, unwanted, unknown

We're not impressed by the acrobatics, but the appetites are phenomenal.
This is one nasty bug. Anybody know what it is? Just when the carefully tended Wysteria were reaching the top of the pergola and about to branch out into a very pleasing shape, 20 feet above the ground, this pest showed up. It's making hash of the leaves. And what's worse, it appears they are busy making more bugs.
We hate to break up this happy extended family, but we're about to apply something from a spray can that says Ortho and to keep it away from pets and children.
Before we spray, we'd like to identify our pests. Anybody?

Update: Japanese beetle, says the University of Minnesota.
Yes, here are two of them, shamelessly doing it in the sunshine.