Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Suspicion leads to email blockage

Dear Kathleen,
Though I can uplink to this blog from Canada, I am unable to send you an email. Mr. Google, who provides us with free email if we will let him read it, has notified me that a "suspicious" person has tried to use my email account from somewhere north of Montreal and therefore he has helpfully "blocked" my access to it. Mr. Google has read enough of my mail to be able to inform his advertisers that I am a prime candidate for a reverse mortgage as well as breakthrough hearing aid technology, but he is somehow unaware that I am in Canada at the Ontario Wildlife Observation Outpost (OWOO).
This hyper-vigilance is somewhat irritating, but it is also reassuring. There's too much to do here to take the steps they suggest to reestablish my email connection so I won't bother. Besides, Matt gets cranky if you spend too much time on the internet and not out in the fresh air.
Wayne can't use his email either, so if you could contact Mary Ann and tell her everything is fine, that would be great.
The Old Guide from the shack just up river from here came by for a short visit last night. It was very nice to see him again, he sends greetings.
New arrivals at the work site.
A woodpile north of here blew over so this morning I re-stacked it while Wayne and Matt took a boat to harvest lake ice about a mile away. They timed their return for about when I would be putting the last chunk in place and I have their picture with the woodpile, but don't believe that they actually had anything to do with it.
Matt says to "tell mother" that he is enjoying the cookies that you baked and thoughtfully sent along in my duffel.
There's a pair of loons fishing outside our window, they can stay under water for a long time. You never know where they will resurface. Loons mate for life, you know, so I am sure they miss their partner when they are away. I know I do.
We have two lines set for lake trout and are monitoring them from the porch. Walleyes are not in season yet but lake trout are fair game. If a walleye jumps in the boat, you must help it back into the water. We've got a big ham for tonight, but some fresh trout to go with it would be nice.
Oops. There goes Wayne. He's got a bite. More later.
It's busy, dear. Very busy. Later.
This one's for you. . .