Sunday, February 01, 2009

Super Sunday Spectacles

Thanks to Brenda Robertson (pictured with her pal, Nancy Mackenzie, below), the gang at the neighborhood Super Bowl party was primed and ready for the 3D commercial. The crowd at Dick and Sue's was mostly Arizona Cardinal fans so they were disappointed in the 27-23 outcome, but no matter. Kathleen and Stan rooted for the "Old and Cold" Pittsburgh Steelers and came out on top, even if they didn't collect on the $20 pool. Sue won the $5 halftime pot and Leno, a tense, anxious and suffering Cardinal fan, won the $15, but said that he would gladly give up the cash if only his precious Cards had won. The score didn't prevent him from enjoying the spicy and the honey barbecue chicken wings and drummies, sloppy joes, tossed salad with avocados, cucumber, carrots and cauliflower, cole slaw, cheese and crackers and a fine variety of nuts, assorted finger food, cheesecake and, in case anyone was still hungry, chocolate cupcakes.